Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Justice Department and the TLC

The emerging Justice Department scandal regarding the politicized firing of U.S. Attorneys is reminiscent of the Taxi & Limousine Commission, both in terms of Operation Refusal and the TLC's summary suspensions.

My class action lawsuit about a Giuliani's Operation Refusal-- suspending the licenses of cab drivers illegally based on phony, politicized charges (together with the attempt to revoke those licenses). This was obviously a big-deal for the cabbies, but a yawn for even the local beat reporters. This was despite the politicization of the agency and the corruption of the judges.

The cabbies had no real defense, and only the class action rules allowed them to sue after the fact. When the city was required to pay $7 million in damages, it got a little ink, but not much.

The lesson is that small injustices are very easy to hide.

Paul Krugman makes this point very well.

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